Thursday, February 25, 2010

Let's Play Nice for the Sake of Our Healthcare

What I am wondering about our healthcare reform is, why is our government stalling? Our government is continuing to go at each other's donkey and elephant throats to decide what OUR future will be in regards to health care.
I will admit it, Obama's plan will cost a pretty penny - the price tag recently jumped to over $950 billion, according to an article on I hope our government can really afford that, without asking us to dig any further in our lint-ridden pockets. These two wars we have been in have cost us quite a bit already, directly or indirectly, economically or otherwise.

My real problem is all of the fighting. We have hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people that are unisured or underinsured because they are jobless (another issue we should remember) or they just cannot afford it. I really wonder if Republicans and Democrats can play nicely together on the bipartisan playground where healthcare reform is concerned. Obama has been in office for over a year and we have only moved minimally.