Monday, March 8, 2010

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Internship and Activities09/2007-10/2007 Metro China headquarters Quality investigatorTogether with 3 other Lacoste POLO Shirts , contacted over 1,700 food suppliers throughout the country, mastered the skills about investigation and communication, Transformed the returns into data, finished the task by 20% ahead of schedule,Researched the retailing and several retailing Lacoste Polo Shirts by initiative and their marketing,09/2008 LCM Art Institute Interpreter, coordinator and salesInterpreter of the president of the Association of Art and Sculpture of France,Coordinated with journalists and cultural organizations, including Shanghai Air Media, in charge of the communication and post contact, Setting and coordination of the scene, studied the skills of sales,10/2004-02/2005 Magazine of Ralph Lauren Polo shirts Institute Responsible of French translation columnSolicited the articles and finished by over 50%, in charge of the modification,Volunteer Experience7/2007-8/2007 The 12th World Special Olympics Transport Ministry departmentAmong the first 63 volunteers, coordinator of the vehicles,OthersLogical and strong presenting skills, the Best Debater of the Class Debate Competition in Junior High School, participated in the Debate Competition of Freshmen on the behalf of the class in college
a butterfly in my mind
I will forget